Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are pro golfers afraid to comment on Tiger Woods and that the mass medica will construe it as racism?

When you comment you cant just say anything. When it comes to Woods he is heralded but by saying "lynched" is evoking more then just criticizm. Its just like in politics though. Say anythingand they will tear it for every meaning possible so just shut up and play.
Are pro golfers afraid to comment on Tiger Woods and that the mass medica will construe it as racism?

A south african golfer, i think it was trevor, recently said that tiger is more beatable now than ever.
Joe - I think it was a dead issue until the magazine cover popped up. As usual someone looking to sell a few more magazines have skirted the important issues in life and in golf, and went with a tabloid story about an off the cuff comment that even Tiger said was no biggie.If you haven't noticed, the media have been doing this for years, how much do you know about Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan versus your knowledge of the Iraq War, or sub prime lending, or the weakening of the dollar......all three have been seminal events of this decade, if not this century, and I don't see the media doing these issues justice at all.
I think that this sensitivity has to be excercised with anyone that you meet during your day. It is only good public ettiquette to be sensitive to your surroundings.
we should treat people the way that we would like to be treated
I think they are. IMO anyone related to golf is afraid to make ANY negative comments about King Tiger because I think he is very petty and CANNOT take criticism. In the past Tiger has allegedly stiffed analysts who were simply doing their jobs and critiquing his swing.To be honest I think Tiger acts like a bully under the veil of being golf's great gentleman. I am shocked that so many people still think he is a gentleman. All you have to do is watch one tournament and observe his lack of etiquette on the course (foul mouth, club throwing, stare downs, leaving the putting green as his playing partner is putting). I think his etiquette has been appalling for years and he is still considered exemplary . . . probably because people will be cast as racist if they criticize his behavior.Since Tiger is a minority in the traditionally whitest of white sports, a lot of people are uber sensitive to the prospect of racism. This incident just show that a lot of people carry and play the race card. I don't mean any offense, but I think this is a big issue because Tiger is black. Asians died building much of the North American railroad tracks, but if an Asian (say Chinese) golfer was involved, I don't think the uproar would be so huge!If the TV analyst said, "The golfers today that want to beat this Asian golf superstar should 'railroad' him with dynamite," few people would pay attention.
Seems like the mass media and golf gurus are especially sensitive when it comes to comments about his majesty Tiger woods.

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