Saturday, July 24, 2010

What did Tiger Woods do that was controversial?

he "broke his leg" and took 9 months off from golf right before they did steroid testing
What did Tiger Woods do that  was controversial?

he said "no one watches hockey anymore".
JD is correct, I had almost totally forgotten about that little faux pas. Good going JD.
tiger woods caddie steve williams made some awful comments about world #2 golfer phil mickelson.. tiger let it slide
In the 2008 US Open I personally thought that whenever Tiger hit a bad shot, he limped, and whenever he hit a good shot, he ran to his ball.
hes an amazing golfer with a serious knee injury.. after his surgery he came back ready to play hitting a eagle and a birdie on his first two holes....may not be controversial but very impressive
1999 Phoenix Open: Tiger hits a ball behind a boulder that weighs probably 1000 lbs, or more. He asks an official if a boulder is a loose impediment, which is classification usually reserved for sticks and pebbles. When informed that it was a loose impediment, Tiger has a bunch of fans lift the boulder so he can hit his ball. Tiger didn't break any rules, but many purists felt he did not act in the spirit of the rules. It's still talked about today, 10 years later.
you can write about TW receiving $2 million plus (half paid by taxpayers) to play in the upcoming Australian Open.Lots of people are pissed, since they are in a recession like we are. Others think it'll generate a ton of revenue, way offsetting the money given to Tiger.Do some Googling, and you'll find plenty of sites about it. Honestly, that's the most "controversial" thing (depending on your outlook) he's done in his long career... switching caddies and swing coaches don't count as controversial.
The incident with the boulder was well within the rules. Any player could have done the same thing. Tiger is actually intelligent enough to ask.There was a decision (23-1/2) in the rules of golf that said that the size of an impediment is irrelevant. Any natural object that is not embedded can be moved, and the player can ask for help in moving it (decision 23-1/3).Those decisions existed long before Tiger was a pro. I think they existed even before I was born, and I'm older than Tiger!What BM said about steroid testing is total nonsense. Tiger has said that he is in favor of testing players. There is no one with any intelligence who thinks Tiger faked the injury, or that he takes steroids.
I need help, I need to write a research paper on what Tiger Woods did that was controversial.

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