Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do people consider Tiger Woods one of the greatest athletes of all-time?

you do know pro-golfers workout and train everyday, right????? more than you....
How do people consider Tiger Woods one of the greatest athletes of all-time?

Tiger Woods could take anyone else in any other sport
He is the most dominant guy in his sport. He carries the game of golf. Also that guy is in pristine shape.
I have never understood how a "Footballer" or a "Hockey Player" or a "Basketballer" can be called an "Athlete"Why? well it's simple An "Athlete" is someone who participates in "Athletics" That is "Track and Field" or "Road or Cross Country running"If some one participates in any of the other SPORTS then they are a "Sportsman or Sportswoman"Simple as thatSo is Tiger an Athlete? NO....He is a GOLFER or a SPORTSMAN
It's a question of semantics really. Contrary to the previous poster when I look up the definition of athlete on I read distinctly.athlete -noun "a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skill."So there you go, even if you think golf is not a sport but only "a game requiring physical skill" Tiger Woods fits that particular definition as a participant. Obviously golf does not require the the same degree of versatility, conditioning and stamina as other sports/activities. I'm not sure you want to cite baseball as an example of this however, as we've seen the likes of David Wells, etc. Tiger Woods himself could probably excel at many physical activities given his conditioning, it's not a prerequisite for a golfer however. So even if you think he doesn't demonstrate his great athleticism in his vocation it doesn't mean he's not an athlete either.
Lily out what this college kid has to say about Tiger Woods!type in the search string "Lets Just Talk About It Shall We" and bam your there! Report Abuse
I can understand one of the greatest golfers, not athlete
I don't understand how Tiger Woods is a great athlete? I mean sure he is a really good golfer, but how could he be considered to Hank Arron or Wayne Gretzky?! He couldn't run faster, jump higher, or hit harder. I just think he is barley an athlete.

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